Skyline High School
Class of 1975 |
Greetings alumni of the Skyline 1975 graduating class!
We hope everyone is doing well - or at least as well as can be expected. It was great seeing many of you at the Skyline Super Reunion this past summer celebrating the 60 years of our great school. Like all of us, Skyline is showing its age and is in the process of being rebuilt.
It's hard to believe that 50 years has come and gone since we graced those halls and it's time for us to celebrate 50 years with another reunion. Mark your calendars now for Friday, May 16th and Saturday May 17, 2025. We are planning an alumni only gathering on Friday evening and a more formal dinner program on Saturday night at the University Park Marriott Hotel for everyone. Please spread the word to classmates, friends and especially those listed on the "missing classmates list” on the reunion website We are also asking for monitory donations to help keep costs reasonable but at the same time providing great food and a pleasing atmosphere for all to enjoy.
More information will be forthcoming in the near future. The reunion website will be ready to receive registration information soon as well.
Looking forward to sharing memories together and spending this weekend with all of you.
Skyline Reunion Committee
ATTENTION: Our 50 Year Reunion has been scheduled for May 16-17, 2025! More details to come later. For questions contact Jim Lindsley.
Time has flown since our 40 year Reunion in August 2015!
Please continue to use this site to connect to former classmates and enjoy access to the text from each of the 50 "Aha" moment submissions sent in for the 2015 program. To read them you will need to first log in. From the home page hover your cursor over the "40 Yr Reunion" link, three fly-out links will appear. Hovering your cursor over either "Presented Submissions" of "All Other Submissions" will generate additional fly-out links that you can click on. Note that the "All Other Submissions" link contains the 44 submissions not presented on the program, broken into four groups of 11, and sorted alphabetically by first name. THESE ARE ALL WORTH READING!!!
You may also want to checkout the link for the video prepared for our 30 year reunion held in 2005.
Many of you may have interest in the work to build a new Skyline High School facility. Here is a link:
'75 Classmates: If you haven't already, please follow instructions shown to join as a member (click on the blue "JOIN HERE" link). This will allow you to update your contact information and obtain additional information about the reunion. After joining, you will be able to login using your username and password.
NOTE: 'Classmate Profiles' is a secure online directory that only logged-in '75 alumni can view. When you update your profile you make choices about privacy. Email addresses are required but will never be displayed; only a 'send private message' link. You'll receive a welcome email after you 'save' your updated profile.
SPREAD THE WORD! If you can share something on facebook, e-mail, twitter etc. and connect with any other '75 classmates you might know it would be of great help in finding our "lost eagles". Please encourage them to come to this site and also join.